Can I Upload Music to My Gs5 Through Bluetooth

Affiliate 4. Music

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Yous'll learn to :

  • Use the born Music app

  • Create playlists

  • Play Net radio stations

  • Play music on nearby devices

  • Use the Google Cloud Music Player

THE Galaxy S5 DOES a great job of playing and managing music, and then much and then that you lot may no longer feel the need to carry around another music player. Information technology includes an fantabulous built-in music player and managing director, and a three.five mm headset stereo jack that you tin can connect to headphones or external speakers. You tin can connect wirelessly to Bluetooth speakers besides. Read this chapter and go gear up to plug in and plow up the volume.

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Where to Become Music

Before You PLAY MUSIC, of form, you first demand to get it onto your Milky way S5. For details nigh how to do that, plow to Connecting Your Milky way S5 to Your Figurer. Y'all tin can also buy or download music from Google'due south Play store or other S5 apps. (The Play Music app is a Google music subscription service that as well lets yous play music you own on a calculator—it doesn't let y'all buy individual music tracks. For more than info, see the Note on the next page.)

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If yous tap a download link on a web page for a music file in the Galaxy S5 browser, the file doesn't download to your phone. Instead, the S5 plays the music file but doesn't add together it to your collection.

Using the Music App

You lot PLAY AND MANAGE your music by using the Galaxy S5's Music app. Tap the Music icon on the Apps screen to launch it. The app organizes your music into seven different lists, through which y'all roll like all other lists on your phone. Simply swipe to the right and left to see all of them, and then tap any you want to view or play:

  • Playlists . Hither's where you'll discover all your playlists —groups of songs that you've put together in a specific society, often for a specific purpose. For example, you might take several party playlists, a playlist of songs you like to listen to while you piece of work, another for the gym, and then on.


    In addition to the Music app built into the S5, Google besides has a deject-based music player app. With it, you tin can upload music from your PC or Mac to big Google computers (called servers ), and then play that music on your phone, without actually having to store information technology on the telephone. (Because your music lives in the deject—get information technology?) The service and app are free and work like a charm. The app is called Play Music and is likely already on your S5. If information technology's not, though, download it from Google Play. At that place's also a for-pay version that's a streaming music service in which you pay a monthly fee and tin stream music to your S5. See Google Music Deject Player App for details nigh the deject music player.

    To see the contents of a playlist, tap the playlist. Tap whatsoever vocal to play it from that point until the end of the playlist. To add a song to the playlist, press the Menu key, tap "Add to playlist," and then select songs to add from the list that appears. (You can also add songs to playlists while you're playing them, and in other ways too. See More Music Controls and Features for details.) When you printing the Carte du jour cardinal, you become other ways to manage your playlist, including removing songs from the playlist, searching through the playlist, and changing settings (for the entire music app, not but for playlists).

  • Tracks . An alphabetical list of every song in your music collection. It shows the vocal names and artists. Tap a song to play it.

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    When you're in the Music app, at the lesser of the screen, you lot see the name of the vocal you're playing. If you lot're not playing a song, you run into the concluding song yous played, along with a control for playing the vocal. Tap it and you're sent to the full player. (Run into Playing Your Music for details.)

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  • Albums . Lists all the CDs (albums) in your music collection. If a thumbnail motion picture of the anthology is available, you see it adjacent to the album listing. Each album lists its proper name and its singer, composer, ring, or orchestra. Tap the album to encounter a listing of all the songs in the album. To play any song, tap it. The Music app so plays from that point until the stop of the album.

    To add songs from an album to a playlist, when y'all're viewing an anthology, hold your finger on the song you lot want to add, and a screen appears with all the tracks on the album with checkboxes next to them. The song you're pressing on has a checkmark next to it. Tap to put a checkmark next to other songs you want to add. So tap the "Add to playlist" button at the acme of the screen (it has a + sign on it) and select the playlist y'all desire to add together information technology to or create a new one.

  • Artists . Lists every vocaliser, composer, and band in your collection. Tap the creative person'southward name, and you see a list of all her songs. To play any song, tap information technology.

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    The Milky way S5 tin play a wide variety of music files, including AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, AAC+, and MIDI. Android by itself won't play WMA (Windows Music Audio) files, just Samsung gave the S5 a special piece of software chosen a codec so it can play them. For the aforementioned reason, it can besides play WMV (Windows Media Video) videos.

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  • Music Squares . This unique-to-Android feature examines all your music and arranges tracks in unlike squares onscreen depending on the emotion of the music—Calm, Heady, Passionate, and Blithesome. It gives you a fashion to advise the sort of music y'all desire to heed to without having to come with specific songs or artists. Yous can choose a mix of these music moods by tapping any square on the grid.

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  • Folders . Lists all your music by binder. Tap the folder to brandish all its files, and then tap a track to play it. The rail will play, as will all the others from that point until the end of the listing.

  • Devices . Lists all nearby devices on your network that take music on them. Tap a device to run into the music on it. You tin then play the music on the device, using the player, by tapping the music using the normal controls.

Playing Your Music

TAP A Song TO play it. At the bottom of the screen, you see the usual controls for playing and pausing music and moving to the next or the previous track. If you want to play your music in random lodge, tap the Shuffle icon at the lesser left of the screen.

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If you tap the picture of the music notation and three horizontal lines at the lower left of the screen, the pic at the top of the music thespian vanishes and is replaced past a list of all the tracks on the album or playlist. And if you agree the music player sideways, you'll see a compact version of the actor, plus recommendations for other music you might like, based on the track you're listening to.

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The music thespian screen, when you lot're holding your S5 vertically, is loaded with controls and widgets. Among other controls, you'll observe these:

  • Break/Play . When music is playing, the push looks as it normally does on any music player. Tap it to pause; tap it to play once more.

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  • Previous, Adjacent . These controls piece of work simply as you'd expect. Tap Previous to skip to the showtime of the song you're playing or, if you're already at the showtime, to become back to the final song you just played. Tap Adjacent to skip to the following vocal.

    Hold down ane of the buttons, and you rewind or fast-forrard through the song. As you hold, the rewinding or fast-forwarding accelerates. You'll hear the music as you speed forward or backward, sounding like experimental, advanced music.

  • Slider . Underneath the pic of the anthology from which the song is taken, you'll run into a slider that shows you the song's progress. It includes the song's total length and how much of it you've already played. Move the slider to go to a specific location in the song.

  • Song and album data . In the middle of the screen you lot'll discover the proper noun of the singer, the name of the album, and the song being played.

  • List . Tap the small musical note at lower left, and the big anthology image or musical note changes to the current song list. For example, if you're listening to a playlist, you'll see the entire playlist, and if you're playing an anthology, you'll run into the whole album. From here, you can tap any other song to play it. To bring back the picture of the album or musical note, tap the button once more, which has turned into a picture.

  • Shuffle . The Galaxy S5 music histrion unremarkably plays the songs in your playlist or album in order, from showtime to last. Tap the Shuffle button at lower left to play the songs in your current album or playlist in random social club—y'all never know what's coming adjacent. Tap it over again to cease the shuffle.

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  • Loop . Can't go enough of the electric current album, playlist, or song? Tap the Loop button. This button starts out as an A with an arrow next to it. Tap it, and it changes into an A with a loop around it, signifying that the album or playlist volition go on repeating. Tap it once again and that changes to a number one with a loop around information technology, signifying that the runway you're currently playing will keep repeating. When you lot've had your fill, tap it over again, and you lot get back to the A with an arrow, which means that looping is off.


    Desire to play a stupid music player pull a fast one on? Tap the pic of the album when you're playing a vocal. Bubbles pop out from the picture. Why practice this? Considering you can.

  • Volume button . Tap this upper-right button, and a volume slider appears. Drag to increment or subtract the book. Tap the pocket-size icon at the bottom of the volume slider and yous can select from a variety of congenital-in audio modes—Normal, Pop, Rock, Dance, Jazz, Classical, and so on.

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  • Other buttons . There are other buttons as well. The push button but to the correct of the volume buttons shows you nearby devices on your network whose music you might desire to play. Tap the star only above the slider to plough it gold and identify the rails as a favorite. That puts it on a playlist called, unsurprisingly, Favorites, that y'all can and so play when yous want. Tap the button with a + and three vertical lines to add the current vocal to a playlist.

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More than Music Controls and Features

Want even more than music controls and features? Tap the Carte button, and you'll be able to do all the following:

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  • Listen via Bluetooth . Lets you share the song via Bluetooth (see Caller ID).

  • Set as . This very smashing feature lets you ready a song as a ringtone or alarm tone.

  • Settings . Lets yous change many settings; sound effects, music menu items, and and then on.

  • Details . Provides all kinds of information virtually a vocal, including its title, artist, track length, recording date, genre, and then on.

More than Vocal Options

And, yes, you've got even more than options when you play songs. Agree your finger on a track on a list, and boxes appear adjacent to each runway, with a checkmark on the current track. Tap the boxes on all the songs y'all want to select. Yous can then add them to Favorites or a playlist, or delete them.

Creating Playlists

MAKING YOUR OWN PLAYLISTS is a breeze on the S5. The easiest way to do so is to tap the Playlist button at lower right when you're playing a song (it's a + and a series of iii horizontal lines), and and then tap "Create a playlist." A screen appears that lets you name your list. Type in a name and tap OK. A playlist is created, with that track added to it. If you already accept playlists, then when you tap the Playlist push, you'll encounter all of them, so that you can add the electric current song to an existing playlist or create a new one.

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You tin too create playlists from the Music player'due south main screen. Tap Playlists at the top of the screen, and then tap "Create playlist" toward the bottom of the screen. A screen appears that lets you proper name the list. When yous're washed, yous'll be sent to a screen that reads "No tracks." Tap the + sign at the top of the screen, and y'all'll meet a list of all of your songs with empty boxes side by side to them. Turn on the boxes next to the music you want to add to the playlist, and and then tap Done to add together all those songs to the list. If you want to find specific music on your S5 to add to the playlist, tap the Search push button.

The S5 creates several playlists automatically for you lot—"Favorite tracks," "Recently added," "Most played," and "Recently played." These playlists don't show upwardly when you endeavour to add music to a playlist, because they're created and managed by the S5.

To edit a playlist, when you're in the listing, hold your finger on a song. Boxes show upward next to all the songs. Check those yous want to manage in some way, then perform your activity—delete them by borer the trash can icon, or add to other playlists by tapping the "Add together to playlist" push.

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Using Your Galaxy S5 While Playing Music

Because THE GALAXY S5 is built for multitasking, yous tin can play music even when you're doing something else. Open up the Music app, first the music, and and then feel gratis to use other apps and features. The music keeps playing. While music is playing, a small button appears in the status bar. Drag downward the Notification console and tap the song playing, and you lot meet a miniature set of controls for playing, pausing, and jumping forward and back in music. To head to the music player, tap the moving-picture show of the album.

Even when your phone is locked, if you were listening to music before the Galaxy S5 locked itself, information technology keeps playing. Turn on the screen, even though the telephone remains locked, and you'll run across music controls. You can suspension and play music, as well as skip to the side by side song or go dorsum to a previous song, without having to unlock the Galaxy S5.

THE GALAXY S5 LETS yous share, view, and play music, videos, and photos using a standard called DLNA—short for Digital Living Network Brotherhood. The S5 is DLNA-compliant, which means that information technology can share media with other DLNA devices, such as TVs, computers, and mobile devices. When you lot buy a device, look in the documentation to see if it's also DLNA compliant. Y'all can likewise expect for this logo on packaging or documentation: .


If you're non sure whether yous take a device that's DLNA-compliant, go to In addition to finding out more information about DLNA, you can do a search for your device and come across if it supports DLNA.

Here'southward just some of what y'all tin can exercise with your Milky way S5 and other DLNA devices:

  • Stream your music, videos, and photos from your S5 to a DLNA device, such as a Tv, PC, Xbox, or PlayStation three.

  • Transfer music and picture files from your phone to your PC.

  • Stream videos from the phone to your Television.

  • Browse any videos you have stored on your PC, using the Galaxy S5, so stream the video to your Television receiver by using an HDMI cable (see Playing S5 Video on Your TV for details about HDMI).

And that's simply a few of the possibilities and permutations with your Galaxy S5 and DLNA; this section can't cover them all.

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Out of the box, the S5 is prepare to apply DLNA. In the Music app, when the telephone scans your network to see if there are nearby devices from which information technology tin play music, information technology'due south really using DLNA.

For sharing with other devices such as TVs, check the device documentation for how to share via DLNA. And you can likewise customize your DLNA settings on your S5. To exercise it, tap Settings from the Apps screen, ringlet downwards to "Connect and Share," and tap "Nearby devices." You'll and so be able to change your DLNA settings, such as what media content yous desire to share, what devices you want to share with, and then on.

Google Music Cloud Player App

THE GOOGLE MUSIC Deject Role player may forever alter the manner you manage—and even call up almost—your music. Information technology lets you play music on your phone that isn't actually on the telephone, but instead lives in the deject —basically big Google computers chosen servers that store your music and stream it to your Galaxy S5 (or any other device, for that thing).

The app's official name is Google Play Music, and it should come up installed on your S5. If it isn't, you can download it from Google Play. So install the Play Music software on your PC or Mac (whichever estimator houses your music collection). You then tell the software to upload the music to the cloud. After that, you install Play Music on your S5 (or, indeed, any other Android device). At that signal, you lot can listen to your music from the deject—as long every bit you have a 3G, 4G, or WiFi connectedness.

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Once you've got everything installed, only tap the Play Music app and kickoff playing. It integrates with the S5'due south normal music player, so it plays any music you've got installed in that location, besides as music from the cloud.

And you can also subscribe to unlimited music streaming and play thousands of tracks for a $nine.99 monthly fee, much similar the streaming Spotify music service. Play Music will give you all the details if you tap "Try it Free" when yous get-go run the app. If you lot don't want to try the for-pay version, and only want to listen to your own music, instead tap "Not now" when you run the app.


If you sign upwards for the pay service, you can download tracks for offline listening. That'southward a great style to avert eating upwards your information assart past streaming music.

Continue in mind that in that location will be times when your music isn't bachelor from the cloud—considering y'all're not continued to the Cyberspace—then you can choose to hide streamed music at that indicate. You can also set up a variety of other options, such as whether to stream music only when connected via WiFi rather than via 3G or 4G. That way, yous won't swallow upward information from your data program.

The cloud player is a fabulous actor, peculiarly if you lot have a digital music collection on a PC or Mac. Check it out and listen to your beloved music anywhere!


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