Blackberry Work Terminated Unexpectedly Twice Upload Logs

If you're nonetheless experiencing a range of macOS xi Big Sur problems long subsequently making the switch, you're not alone. Although the operating arrangement was released back in November 2020, some Mac users are notwithstanding experiencing ongoing issues. While the arrival of macOS 11 was viewed past many every bit having been a long time coming, it'southward been a mixed bag in terms of the benefits and challenges some users have experienced.

For those of you that are finding macOS xi Big Sur issues all the same popping up for you, never fear, considering in this guide we're going to talk y'all through some very easy steps to fix all of the about common issues. In one case you've washed that, you'll exist able to sit back and savour all the perks this operating organization has to offer. And there are plenty!

macOS eleven Big Sur was the biggest leap forwards Apple tree'south OS has taken in a long time, setting it apart from previous iterations. And, its launch too saw the release of the first M1-equipped computers also from the Mac mini (M1, 2020) to the MacBook Air (M1, 2020) and MacBook Pro 13-inch (M1, 2020) of which Large Sur was fabricated to take full advantage.

While it's no longer the new kid on the cake, its successor macOS 12 Monterey has just been released, any recent operating system still has some kinks that need fixing. Downloading and installation issues have been two of the most common issues that have been experienced, but complaints effectually hardware and software not working the mode it should have also been up at that place on the listing of reported issues.

For the nigh part, all of the macOS eleven Big Sur bug are hands solvable. Usually it's a case of your Mac simply needing rebooting or being depression on storage infinite, but sometimes problems can also occur if you're using outdated apps or if your Mac is sometime and not compatible with the new operating system. Whatever the case, this guide will help you lot figure out how to solve the problems yous're experiencing.

If you haven't grabbed Big Sur yet, take a look at our how to download and install macOS 11 Big Sur guide. Or, if you're ready to take the spring to the next Os, check out how to download macOS 12 Monterey. For those of you lot sticking with united states of america, allow'south take a expect at the most common macOS 11 Large Sur Problems and exactly how to solve them...

How to fix macOS Big Sur download bug

One of the most common macOS 11 Large Sur bug that people take encountered is that macOS eleven fails to download, with some users seeing an error message that says "Installation failed."

Others, on the other mitt, are seeing "The network connection was lost" error messages when they endeavor to download macOS Big Sur.

That's not all, either. A few get the following mistake bulletin: "Installation of macOS could not continue. Installation requires downloading important content. That content can't exist downloaded at this fourth dimension. Try again afterwards."

In that location are a few reasons why you may encounter this issue. It may exist considering a lot of people are trying to download macOS Big Sur at the same time. If you think this is the case, try again later a not-summit time to come across if the download works and then. You can besides check the live status of the Apple Server (opens in new tab) to make sure everything is alright on Apple's end.

Big Sur installation problems

(Image credit: Apple)

At that place should exist a department labelled 'macOS Software Update'. If it has a green dot, so there's no issue, but other colors propose there's a problem with Apple delivering the update.

As you lot can see from the screenshot above, there had been issues with the software update at the fourth dimension of writing, which have since been resolved.

Another reason could be that you simply do not accept enough infinite on your figurer. Typically, a macOS download fails if you practice not accept enough storage space available on your Mac.

To make sure you lot do, open the Apple carte du jour and click on 'About This Mac.' Select 'Storage' then check to make sure you have plenty space on your hard drive. You lot need at least 15GB free. If you're running depression, open up up the Apple bill of fare, click 'Most this Mac' then go to Storage > Manage and free up some disk infinite there.

Information technology may likewise be worth switching from a Wi-Fi connection to an Ethernet cable, to ensure your internet connexion is as reliable as possible.

If you're all the same having problems downloading macOS Big Sur, try to find the partially-downloaded macOS 11 files and a file named 'Install macOS xi' on your hard drive. Delete them, then reboot your Mac and try to download macOS Big Sur again.

And, if that doesn't work, try opening the App Store and clicking 'View My Account' to see if at that place is anything in the 'Unfinished Downloads' section. You may be able to restart the download from there.

Finally, try logging out of the Store to see if that restarts the download.

How to fix "gateway timed out" mistake when downloading macOS Big Sur

In addition, another of the near mutual macOS eleven Big Sur issues that'due south received a lot of complaints has been around the download stopping, and the system throwing up a "gateway timed out" or "bad gateway" mistake.

If you are having this issue, try starting your Mac in Safe Mode (hold downward Shift on the keyboard while it boots), then try downloading and installing macOS Big Sur over again.

Desktop screen on laptop

In that location are several possible reasons why the macOS is having problems installing. (Paradigm credit: Apple)

How to fix macOS Large Sur install issues

If your macOS Big Sur problem is in installing the operating system, first make sure you check out our how to download and install macOS Big Sur guide, which will take you through the steps you lot demand to take to safely install the new operating system.

First of all, you'll want to brand sure y'all accept a Mac that can run macOS Catalina. The post-obit Macs are compatible:

  • 12-inch MacBook (2015 and later)
  • MacBook Air (2013 and subsequently)
  • MacBook Pro (Late 2013 and subsequently)
  • Mac mini (2014 and later)
  • iMac (2014 and afterward)
  • iMac Pro (all models)
  • Mac Pro (2013 and subsequently)

When y'all have a compatible Mac and the macOS Big Sur download completes, simply at that place's no prompt for the installation to continue, then search in your Mac's awarding folder for a file called 'Install macOS 11'. Double-clicking the file should brainstorm installation.

If yous encounter the macOS Big Sur trouble where the installation fails due to depression disk space, simply restart your Mac and printing Control + R while it's booting to enter the Recovery mode. Select 'Disk boot' to boot unremarkably, then remove unnecessary files to brand space.

macOS Big Sur is stuck on 'Setting Upwardly Your Mac'

If you take installed macOS Big Sur, but then your Mac gets stuck on the 'Setting Up Your Mac' message, you'll need to strength a reboot of your Mac or MacBook. Don't worry, the 'Setting Upwardly Your Mac' message ways the update is finished, so you won't lose any information or impairment annihilation by restarting your Mac.

To do and then, press and hold down the power button for a few seconds until the Mac or MacBook turns off. Wait a few more than seconds, then turn it back on. Your Mac or MacBook should at present kicking into macOS Big Sur successfully.

Installation in progress

macOS Large Sur problems during installation isn't every bit rare every bit yous think, and at that place are a few means to fix the effect.

If you're struggling to free upwards deejay space, await out for hidden Fourth dimension Machine files that may exist taking up large amounts of space.

Once you have freed up enough space, retry the installation.

If macOS Catalina encounters a problem at the stop of installation, and then shows an fault message, restart your Mac and printing Command + Option + R on your keyboard while the Mac boots to start up the recovery system over the Net. You can too endeavor Shift + Option + Command + R.

If your Mac continues to fail to boot, follow Apple's instructions on creating an external Mac startup disk (opens in new tab).

It may be worth restarting your Mac in Safe Mode, then trying to install macOS 11 Large Sur from in that location to fix the problem.

How to set up macOS Big Sur login issues

If you're having trouble logging into your Mac or MacBook afterwards installing macOS Large Sur, or you're stuck in a loop where you log in, then get logged out once again, the following steps might assist.

Offset, restart your Mac and hold down the Control + Southward keys on your keyboard as it boots up.

This will boot you into a command prompt. Now, enter in the post-obit:

          /sbin/mount -uw /        

Printing Enter on your keyboard. Then enter in the post-obit:

          rm /var/db/.applesetupdone        

This removes a file, which makes it announced similar y'all're starting Big Sur upwards for the first time. Don't worry, goose egg important is getting deleted. Press Enter, then restart your Mac.

You lot will then be asked to create a new admin user account.

MacBook fans become noisy after updating to Big Sur

Some people have been reporting that after updating to macOS Big Sur, their MacBook fans take become noticeably louder.

This is probable due to the fact that the MacBook is continuing to work hard behind the scenes updating the rest of the operating system, including updating apps and re-indexing Finder. This can crusade the fans to kick in to help keep the MacBook cool. Hopefully, after a few hours the fans should return to normal.

Is macOS Big Sur running slowly? Here'due south how to fix it

In one case macOS Large Sur is installed on your Mac or MacBook, y'all may notice that your device is running slower than before.

If macOS Big Sur also showed a notification that said "Optimizing Your Mac: Performance and battery life may exist affected until completed," then this is normal, every bit macOS Big Sur is doing things backside the scenes which tin can initially impact functioning.

After a day or and then, your Mac should be running just every bit well (if non amend) as earlier. If you don't see an comeback past then, try restarting your Mac or MacBook.

Another thing to check is to make sure that all of your apps and software are updated to the latest version. If any of them take issues with Big Sur, that could exist slowing down your machine.

If you lot're using a new MacBook or Mac with Apple tree's M1 flake, you may be using apps that are not optimised for information technology yet. While Apple'southward Rosetta tool helps run apps for Intel-based Macs on Apple M1 devices running Big Sur, there may all the same be some functioning bug. Go on an centre on the latest versions to see if they take released an update for M1 Macs.

You lot can also open upward the Apple carte du jour and select 'System Preferences'. From the window that appears, click 'Users & Groups'. Select 'Login Items' then select the apps yous desire to finish opening at startup and click the small minus sign beneath the list.

It'due south as well worth making sure all of your apps are updated. Check the App Shop for any available updates, or the app's website.

You can also try restarting your Mac to run across if that helps. If it doesn't, force-quit any apps that appear to be taking upwards a lot of RAM. You tin identify these past using Activity Monitor (in /Applications/Utilities) to constitute what apps and processes are using upward the most CPU or RAM. Its CPU tab lists agile processes, with a real-time view of what's going on.

To forcefulness-quit an item, click it in the Activity Monitor listing, click the X at the left of the toolbar, then ostend you desire to force-quit.

Also delete the cache. Open the Finder window, select 'Become' from the tiptop menu and select 'Go to Folder'.

In the text box that appears, type/Library/Caches.

Remove the data from inside every folder. Now repeat the process with /Library/Caches (without the symbol). Running the Repair Deejay tool from inside Disk Utility may too aid, and for more solutions check out ourHow to speed up your Mac guide.

How to fix macOS Large Sur bombardment problems

As with the functioning issues above, you may observe that at first your MacBook's battery life is a lot shorter. Once again, this is probably considering macOS Large Sur is doing some background work to set itself up – and afterward a few hours or a solar day, things should have settled down and your battery life should be dorsum to normal.

If it isn't then make sure all your apps are updated. You can also click the battery icon on the top menu bar, which will show you what apps and processes are taking up a lot of your battery life. Close those and see if the battery improves.

If information technology does, then brand sure the apps in question take been updated, and check any of their settings to see why they would be taking upwardly so much battery life in macOS Big Sur.

For more than communication, visit our how to improve your MacBook's battery guide.

Apple mouse

Found out your mouse no longer works? Nosotros'll tell you how to fix that.

How to set up macOS Big Sur mouse issues

If you've installed macOS Big Sur and plant your mouse no longer works, open upwardly the  ~/Library/Preferences/ directory in finder and select and delete the post-obit files:


You may need to restart your Mac to get the mouse working.

Bluetooth symbol reaching out to laptop, cellphone and tablet

At that place'south an easy manner to fix issues with Bluetooth devices not working in macOS Large Sur.

How to fix macOS Big Sur Bluetooth issues

To fix issues with Bluetooth devices not working in macOS Large Sur attempt opening upwards Finder and and so click on 'Go' in the acme menu, then 'Go to Folder...'.  Type in '/Library/Preferences'.

From there, you should run into a file chosen ' tree.Bluetooth.plist '. Select and delete the file (or movement information technology to another folder for safe keeping), then restart your Mac and effort connecting your Bluetooth device once again.

How to fix macOS Big Sur boot problems

If you've installed macOS Large Sur, only your Mac won't offset, then restart your Mac and concord down Command, Option, P and R, which will reset the NVRAM (not-volatile RAM).

Concord the keys down until the figurer restarts and you hear the startup chime for the second time. Release the keys after you lot hear the second startup chinkle. The PRAM will be reset besides.

While in Safe Mode, run Disk Utility to see if that will fix any macOS Large Sur boot bug.

For other ways to fix a Mac that won't beginning, check out our guides how to Use Os X boot options to troubleshoot your Mac and how to fix a Mac that won't beginning.

Laptop computer screen

Apps that don't take a 64-fleck version will not piece of work on macOS Big Sur.

Apps won't work in macOS Big Sur

I of the most controversial changes included with macOS Catalina (and nevertheless present in Big Sur) is the fact that it no longer supports 32-fleck apps. This means any apps that don't have a 64-bit version will no longer work.

Apps that will be killed off in macOS Catalina (and therefore Big Sur) include Transmist, 1Password 2.12.two, iStats Menu two.9 and QuickBooks 2015. You tin view the total listing of the apps at The Record Drive (opens in new tab).

While well-nigh apps will hopefully take 64-chip updates, in that location volition be many that don't, which is bad news if you rely on them and upgrade to macOS Large Sur.

If you're concerned that an app you rely on will no longer work in macOS Big Sur, y'all should check to meet if you have any 32-bit apps on your system.

To do this, click on the Apple icon at the summit of your screen, then select 'About This Mac'. Click 'System Report' and so get to the 'Software' section.

Click 'Applications' and you'll run into a list of apps. At that place volition be a cavalcade chosen '64-bit (Intel)'. If an app has 'No' in that column, then it means it won't be supported in macOS Big Sur.

You lot can check the listing on The Record Bulldoze (opens in new tab) as well to see if your apps are listed at that place.

If you practise have whatever 32-bit apps installed, you'll need to cheque to come across if in that location is a 64-flake version (if the app has a website, it should say whether one is available).

If not, you'll need to find an alternative app that performs the aforementioned function only is 64-scrap. Our guide to the best Mac apps will help you.

How to fix macOS Big Sur Wi-Fi problems

If you're having problems with connecting to the internet, either via Wi-Fi or an Ethernet (wired) connection after installing macOS Big Sur, then effort starting your Mac in Safety Way and see if you tin connect.

If you can, information technology means that in that location'south an issue with an app or extension that you have installed. Make sure you have updated your drivers and apps, and keep an eye out for an Apple update in the future.


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