what is it like to work for smile doctors

The interview below is part of a new serial from McGuireWoods that features interviews with C-suite leadership of private disinterestedness-backed portfolio companies. To recommend a leader for a future interview, email Holly Buckley at hbuckley@mcguirewoods.com.

Scotte HudsmithQ: How closely are you involved with the business development/prospecting aspect of your platform?

Scotte Hudsmith: I am heavily involved in the business development procedure. Partially because I am passionate about growing merely more often than not because of our foundation and need for people to "fit" in our civilisation and for our culture to be a fit for those affiliating with usa.

Smile Doctors is an organization that is driven by both organic and amalgamation growth. Nosotros have built its foundation based on adding squad members who accept the right fit, skills and talent to succeed in our world. Our business organization development team does an excellent task of finding doctors who are the right fit to affiliate with us. We know that those affiliating with united states of america possess the skills and talent as they have already built successful practices. I visit many of these doctors pre-affiliation to explain Smiling Doctors success and the "why" behind our focus on fit and how this focus helps u.s.a. create long-term value for our stakeholders.

Q: What do y'all believe is the most important personality trait in a business evolution leader?

SH: Tenacity followed by patience as a close second. Our business development team works with doctors who have spent many years of their life completing very expensive educations. So they outset or buy a practice and build an awesome reputation in their respective markets. Our concern evolution team has to exist able to walk through all of the reputation fears that may come from their peers or communities, explain the financial differences of our model verse the ane they congenital and help them navigate the pre- and mail service-affiliation modify cycles.

Q: How exercise y'all ensure the platform'south organizational culture is appropriately conveyed to potential targets?

SH: We live our civilisation every 24-hour interval, and each member of our team knows information technology so well that conveying it happens naturally. It is contagious. We like to say information technology is something that is caught, not taught.

Q: What is the toughest lesson you have learned with respect to business development?

SH: It is incommunicable to get into someone's mind in a diligence process if they accept alternative motives. Yous can find diligence data in the data and pick up on other behaviors along the way. Nevertheless, if someone is telling you lot ane affair and planning on some other, information technology'southward tough to uncover. An example is a doctor saying, "I want to stay and be a part of the team," but they really are planning to check out and retire early and run into y'all as the best get out. That is hard to uncover. We have had a few of these events and it'southward tough on anybody, especially their former and postal service-affiliation team. We at present have some means to uncover these behaviors thanks to a great advisor.

Q: Can you share an inspiring business evolution success story?

SH: Nosotros have had a few doctors who were burned out and ready to retire when they affiliated with us. Just once they joined our team, realized at that place is an easier way to practice with businesspeople handling the business side and discovered that they get to do what they honey on the clinical side, it is a life-changing experience. Many of these individuals take at present signed long-term employment agreements with the practices nosotros back up and take get some of the patients' favorites. I was recently told by i physician that they accept inverse more lives in their terminal few years affiliating with us than they ever did every bit a private exercise possessor because they have the fourth dimension to really engage at a patient and team level.

About Scotte Hudsmith

Scotte Hudsmith serves as the chief executive officer (CEO) of Smile Doctors. He oversees the executive leadership squad working to expand the visitor's orthodontics feel across the United States. Since Hudsmith joined in 2014, Grin Doctors has grown from two Austin-area locations to nearly 200 locations in 16 states.

Hudsmith has more than 25 years of corporate leadership feel, including executive roles in finance, operations, business development and sales and marketing. He specializes in developing and implementing growth strategies in healthcare companies that are private equity backed and has all-encompassing experience coordinating mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Smile Doctors, he was CEO of Parental Wellness, a company he founded in 2009. He also previously served as executive vice president of finance and business development for Passport Health Communications, (now part of Experian Health).

In addition to his work at Smile Doctors, Hudsmith serves on the board and executive commission of the Association of Dental Support Organizations.

To contact Scotte Hudsmith, e-mail scotte.hudsmith@smiledoctors.com. .


Source: https://www.mcguirewoods.com/client-resources/Alerts/2019/9/a-view-from-the-top-scotte-hudsmith-of-smile-doctors

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