what are two important actions to take when planning to source a commodity globally

1. Growing Acceptance, Diminishing Bigotry
Promoting diverseness is the outset pace to not simply "tolerance" only truthful inclusion and acceptance. Through growing contact with, exposure to, and communication between people who are not like united states, nosotros can learn how to relate to deviation in a mode where difference doesn't have to be a problem, a barrier, or a threat. And accidentally, we might also see that the people we assumed to exist so different to the states may actually take a lot more in common than they thought. Increasing familiarity with these differences (and commonalities) can shape and shift our perspectives (see #3), cultivate an acceptance that facilitates belonging, and diminish the misconceptions and prejudices that fuel discrimination.

2. Becoming a Global Citizen
If y'all experience diversity in your everyday life, you will have regular exposure to people, cultures, traditions, and practices that are unlike your own. Hopefully yous will learn the skills to communicate and interact with communities, concepts, and belief systems that y'all are unfamiliar with and therefore gain a more worldly, balanced, and informed perspective. Not merely will you heighten your own social development, just you will likewise increase your true agreement of the world. This will set up you to be a role of a global guild, whether you are traveling to a new country, working with people from diverse backgrounds, or just reading about events in the news that heavily impacts a population different than your ain.

3. Perspective
Hearing well-nigh some other's experience can shed light on a life different than your own and provide y'all a new perspective. When you contrast your struggles, needs, and values with someone else's, y'all tin can really begin to comprehend where an individual is coming from and empathetically sympathize their attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs at a deeper level (through which you tin more deeply understand your own). Perchance talking to someone new will change your heed or claiming your values which on a hidden level can seem scary for our brains, or the pay off for flexible thinking is a life where we get to run into through many different lenses and feel the kaleidoscope that diversity of perspective has to offer.

4. Richer Life Experience
Diverseness is a natural land of existence for the human being race. In fact, it's what our survival depends on. What if everyone who surrounded yous was exactly like y'all, in every way? How easily could a disease wipe you all out? And where is the fun in relating to people who are exactly similar you? Groupthink might feel safer and more certain, but it invites cognitive dissonance, one dimensional ideas, and some pretty limited chat. We need new ideas, views, and practices to stimulate and inspire united states of america, to evidence usa the way others consume, celebrate, and dearest! So it'south of import to recognise that diversity is absolutely primal to our surviving but it's also absolutely cardinal to our thriving.

5. Productivity
Bringing together people of various backgrounds with different life experiences tin generate ideas or perspectives that others may non have e'er considered or been aware of. Everyone has their own way of viewing a problem, shaped by the private experiences that they have and the worldview they carry with them. When tackling an issue, a multitude of interpretations and approaches tin can generate creativity and innovation, instead of anybody contributing the same thoughts and conclusions. In this way, it's of import to recognise the utility of diversity, it is after all what supports nature's productivity and we can learn a lot from the natural world. But the productivity argument comes with a user warning… Should productivity be more of a priority than people's basic humanity and the style we choose to prove up as a human race? Practice we want our legacy to exist one which allowed people to be their whole selves considering information technology conveniently served capitalism or do nosotros want to cover diversity because information technology is in service of social justice? The productivity or business case of diversity is undeniable and even so information technology can distract from the real reason we should be living and breathing multifariousness… because it'southward the right matter to practise.

And then to sum up, together our differences make a stiff, beautiful, global community. Even in the face of intolerance, bigotry, and violence, we must non forget to spread the word near the importance of multifariousness and to respond to that violence with a radical love that unconditionally cherishes people for exactly who they are.

Bank check out Aris breaking down what you lot need to know about Diversity and Inclusion in 90 seconds!

Want to deepen your agreement of Diversity and Inclusion even more? Check out our amplifying graphics below:

If you would like to learn more well-nigh Diversity and Inclusion, bank check out our Global Scholar Program, which offers workshops for bold and visionary young leaders eager to build a more than simply world.


Source: https://www.ampglobalyouth.org/2020/06/20/5-reasons-diversity-important-21st-century/

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