how do you answer the question what does sucess mean to you during a job interview

By Mike Simpson

How practice yous define success? What a devil of a question. Success is such a subjective concept that everyone likely views it at least a teeny bit differently.

Plus, the mere task of describing success could leave fifty-fifty the most qualified candidates reeling. It'due south such a personal matter, making it inherently challenging to put your perspective into words.

We get information technology. When a hiring manager asks about how you define success, it virtually feels like a trap.

Luckily, in the vast majority of cases, it isn't. Technically, there isn't a right or wrong answer. However, that doesn't mean some aren't improve than others. If you want to make sure you handle the "how do you define success" question well, let's take a await at how to tackle it.

What Is the Pregnant of "Success"?

Alright, earlier you lot dig into the answers, nosotros need to pause for a second. You can't talk about how you define success if you don't have a grasp on what "success" actually means. To first on the road toward figuring that out, let's meet what the Merriam-Webster dictionary has to say.

So, the showtime definition – "degree or measure out of succeeding" – admittedly isn't very helpful. But, the next i – favorable or desired outcome – is a fleck better. For many, success means reaching a goal, accomplishing a task, or otherwise accomplishing what they set out to do.

If you look at the definition of "succeed," you get a similar story. One of the options on the list is "to turn out well." Well, if that isn't merely so succinct and pleasant.

Essentially, something is a success when the outcome turns out well, is desirable, or is favorable. Beyond that, the definition of success is personal.

But, fifty-fifty if you see it differently than everyone else, your definition is of import. Information technology influences your motivation and drive. And, when information technology comes to your career, how y'all run into success affects your choices and priorities, ultimately shaping the path y'all take.

Why Does the Hiring Director Ask This Question?

Another pitstop earlier nosotros look at how to answer the question "how do you define success" is to take a moment and examine why the hiring manager is asking you this in the first place. Afterward all, it is a chip of an odd question, so there has to exist a reason for it, correct? Right.

Ordinarily, the interviewer is trying to guess what you're like. Your answer gives them glimpses into your work ethic, priorities, preferences, and motivations. It provides them with clues about your values, as well as specific key traits.

Looking for something a petty clearer?

Okay, think of information technology this style: Imagine you are trying to state a position on a sales team. If you said success is exceeding your sales quotas, the hiring manager might view you as contained. Only, if you stated that success is ensuring team goals are met, you'll seem more collaborative. Neither of those is wrong; they just requite the hiring director different pictures of what you'd be like if yous landed the position.

Once y'all answer, the hiring manager can decide how well you'd fit into the team and the visitor's culture. Essentially, if your definition of success aligns with the organization'southward, team'due south, or manager's, you might be a improve fit.

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Common Mistakes When Answering This Question

Alright, one more thing before we talk about how to reply "how do you lot define success?" While knowing what to say is important, it's equally disquisitional to know what y'all shouldn't say.

Why? Considering, during an interview, a single misstep can potentially cost y'all an opportunity.

Starting time, you need to hash out your definition of success. Non the dictionary's, non your last dominate'due south, non some fable of entrepreneurship's… only yours. You have to get a bit personal, so resist the urge to apply someone else'due south perspective in identify of your own.

Next, avoid talking solely nearly success outside of work. While getting to the pinnacle of the Fortnite leaderboard might be office of your definition of success, that shouldn't be the focus of your answer. You're in an interview, so the context needs to be professional.

MIKE'S TIP: Are we proverb that y'all should never talk about annihilation that isn't part of your professional life? No, non necessarily. If y'all've developed a rapport with the hiring manager, then y'all might exist able to add a splash of personal particular in, but just if you proceed carefully. For instance, if the bulk of your reply is professional person, and and then you quip briefly about your desire to reign supreme in Fortnite at the end, that could be okay… humorous even. Just brand sure the tone of the interview indicates you have that kind of infinite. If y'all aren't sure, so keep it completely pro-focused.

Finally, don't try to sell yourself equally the perfect example of your version of success. There has to be room for improvement. If yous human action similar you've already peaked, the hiring manager won't exist impressed. Instead, they're going to worry that you lot won't mind to feedback or strive to do better, and that won't work in your favor.

Tips for Answering This Question

1. Define, Then Show

When yous are defining success, you don't actually want to spend all of your time focused on explaining your definition. Instead, you want to tap on it briefly and then pivot, shifting your response to an achievement that showcases what you mean. It'southward the "show, don't tell" approach to tackling this question. Plus, information technology's a slap-up fashion to squeeze in some other laurels, and yous never want those to go to waste.

2. Quantify Your Details

During an interview, you know what speaks louder than words? Numbers, that's what. By quantifying the details, yous are giving your accomplishments weight. For example, what sounds better, "I led a big team" or "I led a 12-person squad"? The second one, right?

Precision makes your answer powerful, and numbers give you precision. And so, if the metrics are impressive, work them into your response.

3. Reference the Company'due south Definition

Okay, before, we said you don't want to use anyone else'southward definition of success, and that's true. Just, if y'all tin can reference the company's and so motion forward with your own, that'south really the best arroyo.

Why? Considering it shows yous did your research. Plus, if your definition has aspects in common with the organization's, yous can highlight that.

At present, don't change your definition to match; that's a mistake. Only take the opportunity to detect common ground, and make sure the hiring managing director sees information technology, too.

"How Do You Define Success?" Instance Answers

By now, you're probably fix for some examples. That way, you tin see what an excellent answer looks like, and utilise it as a framework.

In most cases, when y'all're dealing with behavioral interview questions like this one, the STAR Method and the Tailoring Method is the way to go. Your respond will be thorough and compelling, both of which piece of work in your favor.

If yous desire to encounter how to put those techniques into activity, hither are some sample responses.

one. Entry-Level Jobs

Instance ANSWER:

"I view success as a journeying, not a destination. At this early stage in my career, every milestone, big and small, moves me forward, allowing me to develop stronger skills and heighten my performance. In my last position, I frequently volunteered for new projects and embraced every opportunity to learn. Forth the way, I improved my skillset, ultimately assuasive me to exceed my sales goals by 25 percent. Each time I grew professionally, I didn't but help the company accomplish new heights; I also felt successful, and it's a feeling I enjoy re-earning whenever the take a chance arises."

2. Supervisory Positions


"Every bit a manager, I ascertain success not just by my operation but also by the achievements of my team. In my last position, I had the opportunity to omnibus employees, giving them critical guidance that boosted productivity and profitability. Through efficiency improvements, we were able to reduce project costs by 15 percent while never missing a single deadline and exceeding all outcome quality standards. Information technology was one of my proudest accomplishments, and one I look forward to replicating with my new employer."

iii. Upper Management Roles


"Equally a leader, I define success in two means. First, helping the company attain its larger goals, allowing for the creation of bolder ones, is success, in my optics. 2nd, enhancing employee engagement and spurring their commitment to greater growth likewise qualifies. In my last function, I was able to implement civilization improvements that dramatically impacted the workplace, boosting productivity by ten percent. That allowed us to movement forward toward a brighter time to come, i I was proud to be a part of."

Putting Information technology All Together

Ultimately, how practice y'all define success is a challenging question. Merely, by using the tips above, you can make sure you're ready to boom information technology every bit your next interview.

Good luck!

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